

ECE 699 Advanced Robotics
Fall 2022, George Mason University

This course will talk about the fundamental topics associated with autonomous robot dynamics, sensing, and control. Emphasizes biological perspective that forms the basis of many current developments in robotics.

ECE 421 Classical System and Control Theory
Spring 2022 and 2023, George Mason University

This undergraduate-level course introduces analysis and synthesis of feedback systems, including functional description of linear and nonlinear systems, block diagrams and signal flow graphs; state-pace representation of dynamical systems, frequency response methods, Root Locus, Nyquist, and other stability criteria; performance indices and error criteria; and applications to mechanical and electromechanical control systems.

ECE 620 Optimal Control
Fall 2021, George Mason University

This graduate-level course focuses on the basic underlying principles in the theory and applications of optimization and optimal control of systems. The classical methods for the analysis and design of systems are taught from both a functional point of view, and a creative point of view.

ECE2020 Digital System Design
Spring 2018, Georgia TEch

ECE2020 Digital System Design
Fall 2017, Georgia Tech

Teaching Assistant

  • [Spring 2021] Pos Doc Advisor, Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program, Georgia Tech
  • [Fall 2020] Pos Doc Advisor, Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program, Georgia Tech
  • [Spring 2020] Graduate Student Advisor, Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program, Georgia Tech
  • [Fall 2019] Head TA, Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program, Georgia Tech
  • [Spring 2017] Graduate Student Advisor, Senior Design Project in ECE, Georgia Tech
  • [Spring 2017] Head TA, Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program, Georgia Tech
  • [Fall 2016] Head TA, Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program, Georgia Tech
  • [Summer 2016] Graduate Student Advisor, Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering/Sciences (S.U.R.E.) program, Georgia Tech.