Publication Reviewers for:
- IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control journal (TAC)
- IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems journal (TCNS)
- Cyber Physical Systems journal
- IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
- IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
- American Control Conference (ACC)
- International Conference on Automation, Control and Robotics Engineering (CACRE)
- International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA)
Research Seminars:
- [2021. 11] John Hopkins University (in-person), Baltimore, Maryland
- [2021. 03] Queen’s University (virtual), Kingston, Ontario, Canada
- [2021. 03] George Mason University (virtual), Fairfax, Virginia
- [2020. 10] University of Texas-Arlington (virtual), Arlington, Texas
Conference Organization:
- [2023. 05] Organizer of the 3rd ACC Workshop on Recent Advancement of Human Autonomy Interaction and Integration at American Control Conference (ACC2022).
- [2022. 06] Co-organizer of the 2nd ACC Workshop on Recent Advancement of Human Autonomy Interaction and Integration at American Control Conference (ACC2022).
- [2019. 10] Serve as Local Arrangement Chair of the 14th International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems (WUWNet 2019)
- [2018. 04] Serve as an organizing committee member of the DCL Student Symposium of Georgia Tech
- [2017. 04] Serve as an organizing committee member of the DCL Student Symposium of Georgia Tech
Outreach and Demonstrations:
- National Robotics Week
- Robot Demonstration to K-12 Students
- Robot Demonstration to industry collaborators