GMU Blimp Team won the Defend the Republic Robotic Blimps Competition

The GMU BlimpSquad team took first place in the Defend the Republic competition, held in Eaglebank Arena, George Mason University, in April 2023. After an autonomous qualifying, we stood as the first team to achieve a full sequence of autonomous ball capturing and autonomous scoring without any human intervention, and we achieved it for 5 […]

ONR Grant Awarded

I am very excited to announce that our group has received a grant from the Office of Naval Research for Distributed Intelligence with Lighter-Than-Air Vehicles. This 3-year project is a joint research with Dr. Daigo Shishika. The project aims to build robotic agents that can robustly operate in dynamic and contested environments using sensor-actuator pairs that […]

3rd ACC Workshop on Recent Advancement of Human Autonomy Interaction and Integration

The third ACC workshop on the topic of “Recent Advancement of Human Autonomy Interaction and Integration” co-organized by me will be held on May 30 2023 in San Diego, California. This workshop is motivated by a healthy growth of the body of research in many areas related to systems and control, including but not limited […]

Congratulation to Sunil for Passing His Defense

Sunil Kumar Rajendran successfully defended his PhD and became the first student to earn a PhD degree from CIAO lab! During his PhD, Sunil published 2 journals, 5 conference papers (Sunil’s Google Scholar:, and 1 journal paper is currently under review. Thanks for your hard work and congratulations again! I wish you all the best […]

NSF Grant Awarded

I am very excited to announce that our lab has received an #NSF ECCS grant. This 3-year project will focus on developing novel and transformative approaches to co-design scheduling and control strategies for resource constrained cyber physical systems. Looking for strong and motivated PhD students to join our CIAO lab (

2nd ACC Workshop on Recent Advancement of Human Autonomy Interaction and Integration

The second ACC workshop on the topic of “Recent Advancement of Human Autonomy Interaction and Integration” co-organized by me will be held on June 07 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel. This workshop is motivated by a healthy growth of the body of research in many areas related to systems […]


I am invited to serve on the technical program committee for the 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (AICS2022), which will be held in Beijing, China, on July 30-31, 2022. For the detail of this conference, please go to

Paper Published by DEDS

My work with Dr. Fumin Zhang on “Contention-resolving model predictive control for an intelligent intersection traffic model” has been published by Discrete Event Dynamic Systems Journal. This paper addresses the problem of optimally scheduling automated vehicles crossing an intelligent intersection by assigning vehicles with priorities and desired speed. If you are interested, please feel free to […]

Paper Acceptance in IJRNC

My work with Dr. Carol Young and Dr. Fumin Zhang on “Adaptiveness and Consistency of A Class of Online Ensemble Learning Algorithms” has been accepted by International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. This paper provides an analytical framework to quantify the adaptiveness and consistency of expert based ensemble learning algorithms. If you are interested, please […]

Paper Acceptance and Keynote Presentation in ACC2020

My work with my advisor Dr. Fumin Zhang on “Optimal Real-time Scheduling of Human Attention for a Human and Multi-robot Collaboration System” has been accepted by American Control Conference (ACC) 2020 and was selected as a keynote presentation in the Rapid-Interactive session entitled Optimization and Optimal Control.  Due to the Covid-19, ACC2020 will be hosted online. We will […]